Principles of Good Practice: Elementary School Educators

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Preamble: The following principles provide common ground for interaction between independent school professionals and their many constituents (parents, students, colleagues at other schools, and the public). The NAIS Principles of Good Practice for member schools define high standards and ethical behavior in key areas of school operations to guide schools in becoming the best education communities they can be, to embed the expectation of professionalism, and to further our sector’s core values of transparency, excellence, and inclusivity. Accordingly, membership in NAIS is contingent upon agreement to abide by the spirit of the PGPs.

Overview: Building on the work of early childhood educators, elementary school educators continue to nourish the child’s joy of discovery and passion for learning, and provide for the child’s social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and moral growth — giving special attention to the mastery of those basic skills and concepts that are the foundation of all future learning.

  1. Elementary school educators and all personnel who interact with children have appropriate training and knowledge regarding the developmental characteristics and needs of this age group.
  2. Elementary school educators create a safe and secure environment in which students grow in both autonomy and the ability to work and play together.
  3. Elementary school educators design and implement programs that actively engage students in making connections, solving problems, and thinking independently.
  4. Elementary school educators teach to individual learning styles and intelligences and assess learning in a variety of ways.
  5. Elementary school educators support the child’s emerging identity by respecting and providing for each student’s voice.
  6. Elementary school educators build relationships with their students in which each child feels understood, nurtured, and challenged.
  7. Elementary school educators work to create a relationship with parents that facilitates the exchange of information necessary to ensure the child’s progress.
  8. Elementary school educators create opportunities for children to become increasingly responsible for the many communities in which they live.
  9. Elementary school educators defend the dignity and worth of each member of the community and create an environment that fosters respect, understanding, and acceptance of differences.
Download a PDF of the complete set of NAIS Principles of Good Practice.