From the Editor

Fall 2021

By Stan Izen

Dear Readers,

Sadly, and suddenly, Independent Teacher has reached the end of its long run. After nearly 20 years, this issue is the last one. It has been a great joy and pleasure for me to work with the hundreds of teacher/authors who have contributed to IT over these two decades. Their imagination, creativity, and dedication to helping young people grow emotionally and intellectually are inspiring and give me hope for the future.

I want to especially thank the dozens of educators who have served on our Editorial Board over the years. Their extraordinary commitment and effort on behalf of the magazine is the reason for our success. Despite demanding full-time “day” jobs of their own, they always found a few extra hours to read through submissions, pass on their comments to me, and then edit the submissions we decided to publish. And all of their work was done with no remuneration and almost no recognition. They are superstars!

Let me close with a favorite quote of mine, usually attributed to Yeats although that may not be correct:

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

I hope, and fervently believe, that the readers of Independent Teacher have lighted many fires in their classrooms over the years and hope that they will continue to do so for many years to come.

Stan Izen
Stan Izen

Stan Izen is the editor of Independent Teacher Magazine.