School News: The Winsor School (MA)

Summer 2023

The Winsor School honored Julian K. Braxton with the inaugural Bezan Chair for Community and Inclusion at a dinner celebration on December 9, 2022This article appeared as "Community & Inclusion" in the Summer 2023 issue of Independent School.

In 1999, The Winsor School (MA) was one of the first schools in the country to have a full-time senior administrator dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and now the school is breaking ground again with an endowed chair for DEI work. 

“It’s really about belonging,” Julian K. Braxton, director of community and inclusion, told the crowd gathered at the school to celebrate his recognition as the first recipient of the Bezan Chair for Community and Inclusion. “Sadly, it is common for DEI administrators to wonder if their roles will continue to exist at their respective schools after they move on or retire. This model shows a new level of commitment to the work by saying this role will always exist. The endowment is a sign that it is important now and always will be.”

The Bezan Chair for Community and Inclusion honors Diane Bezan, who worked at the school for 30 years. Bezan, who died in 2007, started as a part-time math teacher and eventually became the head of upper school and associate director. She was known for her long-standing commitment to transforming Winsor into a community of inclusion and belonging. In a 1998 upper school report, Bezan spelled out the importance of inclusion: “As we work to create an inclusive community, we renew our commitment to build and support a diverse school. … The faculty needs to reflect the broader community in order to embrace the true richness of diversity.”

Bezan hired Braxton in 1999, convincing him that he would be a good fit despite his reluctance to work at an all-girls school. He began as a history teacher and in 2004 became the school’s director of diversity, working with Bezan on the school’s Principles of Diversity, which have expanded to Principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, explaining how Winsor fosters respect, responsibility, and generosity of spirit. 

“This special honor and distinction means so much to me because it was [Bezan] who first introduced me to Winsor,” Braxton says. “She became my division head, beloved mentor, and friend. The fact that the Bezan family appointed me as the inaugural chair holder is such a full-circle moment for me. I feel so proud that my name is connected to her important legacy at Winsor.”

Top photo: The Winsor School honored Julian K. Braxton with the inaugural Bezan Chair for Community and Inclusion at a dinner celebration on December 9, 2022. 
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